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About Us

  Fiore was set up by a group of volunteers and provides free educational classes to women with no access, or only limited access, to education. The classes are led by volunteers who are willing to share their expertise. Each class aims to teach participants a practical skill they can use after completing the course. In our first phase of classes, women are being shown how to make candles. We aim to create an atmosphere of increased confidence and friendship. We can help individuals set up and register basic legal…

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FIOREs first community project Rawalpindi 

FIOREs first community project

Poverty is the biggest obstacle in the socio-economic development of underprivileged families in Pakistan. The cultural norms in Pakistan put the burden of earning on the shoulders of males and women are bound to domestic duties. However the vital role of women in sharing the overall household responsibilities, including economic, is a historic fact. Keeping this in view FIORE opened up a community centre starting community based income generation workshops for women from underprivileged families in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The overall aim of these workshops is “empowerment through skill enhancement” through…

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